
Hier findet ihr in alphabetischer Reihenfolge alle Bands, die ich schon fotografiert habe. Beim anklicken des Fotos auf der Bandseite öffnet sich die Webseite der Band. Leider ändern sich die Links zur Band manchmal, oder die Band löst sich auf oder wird umbenannt. Wenn ihr solch einen defekten Link findet, schreibt mir bitte eine Mail.


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4 in Hand

4 Star Grass

6 String BBQ

6th Mile

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Aaron Till

Abalone (CZ)

Ab & Zu

Achim Heinritz

Adkins Doug

Adkins Trace

A Few Honest Men (S)


Alison Krauss

Allan Frank

Alecia Nugent (USA)

Alex Nikols

Alex Wesson

Allen Family (GB)

Allison Moorer


Anderfuhren Tabea

Andersen Henriette


And Friends Berlin

Andrea Benz

Andreas Oscar

Andrew Caty

Andy Glandt

Andy Lee

Andy - one man - one voice

Andy Keinath

Anna Kneer

Anni & The Cool Boys

Annika Bruhns

Arizona Joel

Asleep At The Wheel


Audie Blaylock & Redline

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Bach Tino

Backline Band


Barker Emily (Aus)

Barndance Gang


Barry P.Foley

Basement Bluegrass Band (DK)

Bastard Sons Of Johnny Cash



Bean Laura (USA)

Beansprouts (NL)



Belamy Brothers (USA)

Bell Book + Candle

Bender Mark

Benz Andrea

Bertarelli Kirsty

Bibbi & Snif

Bican A Sesli Pratale (CZ)

Big S

Bill & The Belles

Bill Conlon & Emerald

Billy Yates

Bird Mountain

Black Clint

Black Eagle

Black Valley Brothers


Blue Gate (CZ)

Blue Racoon

Bluedust (IT)

Blue Ridge Mountain

Blue Steel

Bluegrass 43 (F)

Bluegrass Bazar (CZ)

Bluegrass Boogieman (NL)

Bluegrass Breakdown

Bluegrass Cwrkot

Bluegrass Playboys (NO)

Bluegrass Stuff (I)

Blue Maxx (BE)

Bodewes Jannet

Bohe Michael


Bont & Bluegrass (NL)

Böhner Max

Bonnie Jeanne Taylor

Booth Jody


Brandon Wolfe Band

Brennen Leigh & Noel McKay (USA)

Brent Moyer (USA)

Bright Jenny

Britta T.

Brizdari (CZ)

Brock Chad

Brokeland Bullets (NO)

Broken Wing

Brother Brothers

Bruhns Annika


Buckaroos The

Buggs Chris

Bundy Laura Bell

Burke Russell

Burns Terry Lee


Byrd Tracy

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Cadi Country Rock

Cahalen Morrison & Eli West

Caleb Klauder & Reeb Willms

California Fog

Campbell Craig

Campfire Collaboration

Candell Suzie

Canyon Boys

Captain Cöpenik


Caren´s Country Special

Carl Jolina

Carlene Carter

Carper Family

Carson Joshua

Carson Kim

Carter Carlene

Carter Deana


Cash Carter Tribute

Cashflow Duo

Cash Kevin

Caty Andrew


C.C. Waterback

Chad Brock

Charron Zane

Chely Wright

Chesnutt Mark


Chicken Rag

Chicken Train

Chicken Wire Empire (USA)

Chili Chicks

Chris Buggs & The Sliders

Chris Jones & The Night Drivers

Christiane & Reiner

Chris Young (USA)

Churchtown Cowboys

Claire Lynch

Clark Colin

Clark Terri

Claudy Blue Sky

Clay Walker

Clayton Waymore

Cleveland Michael

Clint Black



Coates Daniel T.

Coder Judy


Cody Jinks

Cookie Tuesday (DE)

Cora Lee

Cole Jesse

Colin Clark


Colorado Five

Conjunto San Antonio

Conlon Bill & Emerald

Cool Country

Cop (CZ)

Copperhead Jack & Co


Country Boy Orange

Country Bumpkins

Country Cocktail

Country Cousins

Country Delight

Country Express

Country Gabi

Country Guitar George

Country Jamboree

Country Line


Country Pickers (CH)

Country Sisters

Country Stars

Country Swingers

Countrylady Dagmar

Covered Grass

Cox Kristy (AU)

Crabgrass Cowboys

Craig Campbell

Craig Morgan

Creamy Rusk

Cripple Creek Band

Crock It



Crown Jewels

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D & D

Dagmar Countrylady

Dailey & Vincent

Dale Watson

Dale Williams

Dalton Joe

Daltons The

Dan McCoy

Daniels Sammy

Daniel T. Coates

Daniels Dirk


Danny June Smith

Danny Wuenschel

Dapper Dan Men

David Holt

David Lee Howard

David & Heart

Dawn Karen Mc

D. B. Rose Band

Dead South (CAN)

Deadly Gentleman

Dean Collins Band

Deana Carter

Dee James

Della Mae

Derrin Nauendorf

Desert Style

Des Fais Do-Do (NL)

Didi & Rick

Die Glorreichen Zwei

Diffie Joe

Dirk Daniels

Dispatch Skulls

Dixie Wheels


Doc Adams

Doc Brown

Doc Dengler & The Heartbreakers

Doc Fisher´s Country Hospital

Dog Gone

Dog Rock and his Restless Hearts

Doug Adkins

Downtown Ramblers (SE)

Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver


Drolsum Stasjon (NO)

Dunderhead (S)

Duo Diesel

Duo Poppyfield

Duo Wildfire

Dusty & Co

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East West Band (CZ/SK)

Easy Rider

Eddy Gee

Elena Ley

Emerald & Bill Conlon

Emily Barker (Aus)

Ernest Ray Everett

European Highwaymen

Everett Ernest Ray

Evi Tausen

Eye Henry

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Fabulos Texadillos

Fair Play

Far From Home

Field & Thompson (USA)

Fire Hawk

Fischer Lisa-Marie

Fisher Jill


Flastr (CZ)

Flat Tires

Flats & Sharps (GB)

Flemming Band

Flight Unlimited

Flynnville Train

Foggy Hogtown Boys

Foghorn Stringband

Foley Barry P.

Forgotton Sons of Ben Cartwright

Fork Road (CZ)

Four Potatoes

Fox Tower Bluegrass Band

Frank Allan

Frank McCloud

Frankie Rydell


Franz Lippert Band

Fred Heyden

Freeway Music

Funny Grass

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Gabriel Gunter

Gareth Rowan

Gathering Time

Gee Eddy

Gentleman Trio

George Hamilton IV

George Hug

Georgette Jones (USA)


Ghost Town Saints

Giant Mountains Band (CZ)

Gibson Brothers (USA)

Gielen Katharina


Gillavry Maureen Mac


Glandt Andy

Gone Country

Goodbye Girls (USA)

Goodwill (CZ)

Grant Katie

Grassroad (CZ)

Grass Root Ties

Grass Station

Green Corner

Green Patty

Greenfield Sally

Gretchen Peters

Gretchen Wilson

Grey Eagle Bluegrassband

Greyhound Doctors

Groovecake Factory

Growling Old Men (USA)

G-Runners Bluegrass Band (IT)

G-Runs´n Roses (CZ)

Gudrun Lange & Kactus

Gunter Gabriel

G.Thomas Band

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Hacienda Country Band

Haggard Steve

Haggerty Steve & The Wanted

Halden Five

Handl (CZ)

Hanf Pete

Hannah McNeil

Hanson Lynne

Happy Texas

Hardcore Troubadours

Hard Travelin´

Hats On




Hee Haw Pickin´ Band


Heiko Ahrend Band

Heinrich Doc Wolf

Heinrich Roland

Heinritz Achim

Helmet Duty

Helmut & The Hillbillies

Helt Oncale

Henriette Andersen

Henry Eye

Henry Girls (IR)

Hermann Lammers Meyer

Heyden Fred

Hick Chick

Hickman Susan


Highland Sound

High Moon

High South (USA)

Highway 40 (S)

Highway Bandit

Hillbilly Deluxe

Hogranch (UK)

Holt David

Honey Dewdrops

Hoot & Holler (USA)


Horse Mountain

Horsepower Johnny

Howard David Lee


Hug George

Hunters The

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International Line

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Jack Wheeler Band

Jackson Mackay

Jannet Bodewes

Jambalaya News

Jamboree Queens

James Dee

James Natasha

Jamestown Ferry

Jamie O´Neal

Jay Marina

Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (USA)

Jeff & Vida

Jefferson Ross

Jenny Bright

Jesse Cole

Jesse Tayler

Jessica Lynn (USA)

Jill Fisher

Jill Morris

Jim Bellingham Band

Jimmy C. Williams

Jimmy Roggers Trio

Jinks Cody

Jo Dee Messina


Jody Booth

Joe Dalton

Joe Diffie

Joe Mills

Joe Nichols

Joel Alan Lehman

Jörn Riemann Band

Johnny & Cilla

Johnny Horsepower

Johnny Yuma

John Arthur Marinez & Tejas (USA)

John D.

John Lowell Band

John Michael Montgomery

John Miller Trio

John Permenter

John Williams

Joker Creek

Jolanda Hunter & The Freedom Fries

Jolina Carl

Jones Smokie.J.

Jonny Kendel

Joshua Carson

Josh Turner

Jpanne Myrol Band

Judy Coder

Julie & The New Favorites

Julie Roberts

Just Country

Just Country Light

Jutz Tom

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Kactus & Gudrun Lange

Kahn Si

Karen McDawn

Karpa Kerstin

Katharina Gielen

Katie Grant

Katie Rocks This Country

Katja Kaye

Kaye Katja

Kayleigh Leith

K.C. McKanzie

Keen Susan

Keinath Andy

Keith Toby

Kellie Pickler

Kendel Jonny

Kent Susan

Kenny Rogers

Kerstin Karpa

Kevin Cash

Kick Peter


Kim Carson

Kimberly King

King Kimberly

Kirsty Bertarelli

Kitty Reed

Kneer Anna

Krauss Alison

Kristy Cox (AU)

Krusingers The

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L.Bow Grease

Lady Antebellum

Lambert Miranda

Lammers Meyer Hermann

Lange Gudrun & Kactus

Laredo Hills

Larry Schuba & Western Union

Last Hot Dogs

Laura Bean

Laura Bell Bundy

Laura Van Den Elzen

Lawrence Tracy

Lazy Boys

Lazy Tater (NL)

LeAnn Rimes

Lee Andy

Lee Scooter

Lee Tex

Lehman Joel Alan

Lena & Mad Ties

Lenne Brothers


Levine Mara (USA)

Lewis Niderman

Ley Elena

Lindsay Lou & The Flatbellys (USA)

Linus Colorado & Jeanine

Lisa-Marie Fischer

Little Country Gentlemen

Liv Marit Wedvik

Liz Talley

Lobster House

Lonely Heartstring Band (USA)

Lonesome Ace Stringband (CA)

Lonesome River Band


Long Riders

Lonnie Dale´s Road Band

Lonesome Four

Lonstar Michael

Lorrie Morgan

Loose Moose Band

Looping Brothers

Los Pacaminos

Loveless Patty

Lula Wiles (USA)

Lusatian Grass

Lynch Claire

Lynne Hanson

Lynette Morgan & The Blackwater Valley Boys

Lynn & George

Lynn Jessica

Lynne Shelby

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Mac Beth Pam

Mac Gillavry Maureen

Mackay Jackson

Madison Violet

Mala & Fyrmoon

Mandy Strobel

Mara Levine

Marc Tyson

Marcel Soulodre

Mariachi Sol Latino

Marina Jay

Mark Bender

Mark Chesnutt

Mark Merritt

Martin Nilsson

Martina McBride

Marty Wolfe

Maud & Friends

Maureen Mac Gillavry


Max Böhner

McBride Martina

McCoy Dan

McEntire Reba

McDawn Karen


McKanzie K.C.

McNeela Tiny

McNeil Hannah

Memphis Boulevard

Memphis Four

Merritt Mark

Messina Jo Dee

Mica Roberts

Michael Bohe

Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper

Michael Heck

Michael Lonstar

Michael Peterson

Micky Romero

Midnight Hustle

Mike O` Donoghue

Mike Strauss

Milan Miller

Milk Drive

Miller Milan

Mills Joe

Miranda Lambert

Misses Sunshine & Friends

Möhring Ulli

Modern Earl

Monroe Crossing

Monkey On A Wire

Moorer Allison



Montgomery John Michael

Morgan Craig

Morgan Lorrie

Morris Jill

Motion Blur

Mountain Boys

Mountain String Band


Moyer Brent (USA)

Mr. Big Band

Mr. Fingers And The Shifters

Mrs Greenbird

Mr. Tanglewood & Co

Munich String Band

Music Road Pilots

Muzika Obcas (CZ)

My (CZ)

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Nash Ronny


Nashville Blue

Natasha James

Nauendorf Derrin


Never Again (S)

Never Mind

New Cheyenne

New Step In Grass (F)

Newtone Cowboys

New West

Nichols Joe

Nickerson Ross

Niderman Lewis


Nikols Alex

Nilsson Martin

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band


Norbert Radig

Nugent Alecia (USA)

Nugget (A)

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Oh My Darling (CAN)


Old Time Hayride (DE/NL)

Oldtime String Band (NL)

Oncale Helt

O´Neal Jamie

One Horse Town

Open Road

Outside Track (CAN, IRL, USA GB)

Overstreet Paul

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Paddy Rooster

Pam Mac Beth

Patty Green

Patty Loveless

Paul Daly Band

Paul Overstreet

Pete Hanf

Peters Gretchen

Permenter John

Peter Rowan (USA)

Pete Stone Band

Peter Kick

Peterson Michael

Pickler Kellie

Pinchitos Caliente

Pistole Pete´s Dinosaur Truckers

Po Ramblin Boys (USA)

Portrait (CZ)


Pretty Rose & Levin Langford

Price Sisters (USA)

Pro Musicum


Purling Brooks Band


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Radig Norbert


Ramblin Boots (NL)

Ramona & Hannes

Randy Thompson Band (USA)

Randy Travis

Rangers im Sondereinsatz

Rascale & McLane

Rascal & The Lakeland Cowboys

Rawhide (BE)

Ray Scott


Reba McEntire

Rebel Bunch


Red River Band

Red Grass

Reed Kitty

Red Tail Ring

Red Wine (IT)

Reno Tom


Revel County

Reverend Bob & Just in Time

Rhonda Vincent

Richie Stearns & Rosie Newton

Rick Allan Band

Rick Harris

Ricky Skaggs

Riders In The Sky

Riggins Scotty

Rimes LeAnn

Road Band

Road Brothers

Rob Ryan Roadshow

Roberts Julie

Roberts Mica

Roberts Tommy

Robinson Tex

Rock´n Rodeo



Rodeo Ranchers

Rogers Kenny

Roland Country & More

Roland Heinrich & die Rumtreiber

Romero Micky

Ronny Nash

Roody Poo

Rooster Paddy

Ross Jefferson

Ross Nickerson

Rowan Gareth

Rowan Peter (USA)

Roxanna Red & The Wildwood Boys



Rüdiger Helbig & Huckleberry Five

Runaway Brides

Russell Burke

Rydell Frankie

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Sacred Sounds Of Grass


Sally Greenfield

Sammy Daniels




Saxon Cowboy


Schuba Larry & Western Union

Schwede "The Outlaw"

Scooter Lee

Scott Ray

Scott Shipley

Scotty Riggins

Searcy Vivien

Sebbo (&...)

Semtam (CZ)

Sesta Judze (LV)

Shadow Creek Ramblers

Shania Twain

Sheila & The Whiteline Cowboys

Shelby Lynne

Shellac Brothers

Shipley Scott

Shotgun Party

Si Kahn (USA)


Silver Stan


Simple Union

Simpson Stevie

Sisters Morales

Sjöström & Gullö

Skaggs Ricky

Skystones The

Slow Horses

Sly & Paul

Small Town Cowboys

Smokestack Lightnin´

Smokey Two


Sondershäuser Pipes & Drums

Sons Of Navarone (BE)

Soulodre Marcel

Southern Comfort

Southern Pacific Line

Spaghetti Jensen

Spare Line

Special Consensus

Spider & Floyd

Spider Murphy Gang

Spirit Family Reunion (USA)

Stampede Country

Stan Silver

Stand Up


Steel on Wood

Steve Haggard

Steve Haggerty & The Wanted

Steven Taylor

Stevie Simpson

Stonebones & Bad Spaghetti (PT)

Strauss Mike

Strictly Bluegrass

Stringcaster (NL)

Stringer Stu

Strobel Mandy

Stu Stringer



Sunny Bottom Boys

Sunny Mountain Grass

Sunny Side (CZ)

Sunny Texas

Susan Hickman

Susan Keen

Susan Kent

Suzanne & Jim (USA)

Suzie Candell

Swinging Doors

Swiss Highwaymen

Sylvie Ray Band

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Tabea Anderfuhren

Tabita & The Joygrass Reunion

Take U.S.

Talley Liz


Taney Town

Tanglewood & Co

Tausen Evi


Tayler Jesse

Taylor Bonnie Jeanne

Taylor Steven

Ten Minutes Late

Tennessee Rhythm Riders

Tennessee Studs (NL)

Terri Clark

Terry Lee Burns

Tequila Sunset

Tex Lee

Tex Robinson

Texas Heat

Texas Lightning

Texas Music Massacre

Texas Radio

Texas Rooster

Texas Tornado (De)

Texas Wings

The Andersons

The Allen Family (GB)

The Barndance Gang

The Beggars

The Belamy Brothers

The Black Valley Brothers

The Bluegrass Playboys (NO)

The Buckaroos

The Buskers

The Carper Family

The Cashbags

The Clutterbillies

The Country Pickers (CH)

The Crown Jewels

The Daltons

Theekman & The Piper

The Fabulos Texadillos

The Foggy Hogtown Boys

The Forgotton Sons of Ben Cartwright

The Ghost Town Saints

The Gibson Brothers (USA)

The Goodbye Girls

The Henry Girls

The Hogranch

The Honey Dewdrops

The Howlin´Brothers

The Hunters

The International Line

The Krusingers

The Lazy Boys

The Lenne Brothers

The Lennerockers

The Looping Brothers

The McGees (USA)

The Memphis four

The Monuments

The Mountain Boys

The Mountaineers

The Mr. Big Band

The Old Time Hayride (DE/NL)

The Oldtime String Band (NL)

The Po Ramblin Boys (USA)

The Railsplitters

The Road Brothers

The Roys

The Runaway Brides

The Shellac Brothers

The Skystones

The Sunny Bottom Boys

The Time Jumpers

The Toy Hearts

The Truffle Valley Boys

The Twang

The Wilders (USA)

The Wildfires

Thopper & Kentucky Zig Zag

Till Aaron

Time Jumpers


Tino Bach

Tiny McNeela

Toby Keith

Tom Jutz

Tommy Roberts

Tom Rascal & The Lakeland Cowboys

Tom Reno

Tony Lewis & Tuff Love (CH)

Town Mountain (USA)

Toy Hearts

Trace Adkins

Tracy Byrd

Tracy Lawrence

Tradition´s Revival



Trativod (CZ)

Travis Randy

Travis Truitt


Truck Stop

Truffle Valley Boys

Tuff Enuff

Tumbling Bones



Turner Josh

Twang The

Twain Shania

Twisted Timber (CZ)

Two for the Blue

Two From Heart

Two The Road

Tyson Marc

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Ulla Wolf Band

Ulli Möhring

Uncle Earl (USA)

Ungrassified (DK)

Union Boots


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Vaccaphobic Cowboys

Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike


Vincent Rhonda

Vivien Searcy


Voices of Sunrise

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Wagner & Co

Walleye & The Fishermen

Walker Clay

Wanted Man

Watson Dale

Waymore Clayton

Wayne White Wing

Wedvik Liv Marit

Wesson Alex


Western Spirit

Western Sunset

Wheeler Jack

White Eagle

White Wolf Country Band

Wild Bunch

Wilders The (USA)

Wildfire Duo

Wildfires The

Wild Roosters

Williams Dale

Williams John


Wilk & Friends

Wolf Ulla

Wolfe Marty

Womacklee (CZ)

Wortmann Brothers

Wright Chely

Wuenschel Danny


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1 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Yates Billy


Yuma Johnny

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Zane Charron

Zydeco Annie & The Swamp Cats